Black Pine Tar

What is Black Pine Tar Made Of?

Black pine tar is a popular product at Pine Tar World. It is made from genuine dark pine tar but with added black pigment. The role of the pigment is to give the product a modern black finish that is ideal for many wooden buildings. Furthermore, it provides utmost protection against the elements. 

What is the Use of Black Pine Tar? 

This product is one of the excellent wood treatments that you can use in your house or fence. It can deeply penetrate wooden surfaces. Although it penetrates and protects wooden surfaces, it allows the wood to breathe. And to ensure that you get that natural black wood stain that you desire, consider mixing it with linseed oil. It provides better penetration. When you mix it with this oil, it can offer a wood surface that gives you a matte finish. It also becomes less sticky when you mix it with this oil.

How to Apply Pine Tar to a Wood Surface? 

When applying this wood treatment, you need to ensure that the surface is bare. It means that there’s no paint or any finish. Thus, you must clean the surface with soap and water. This will help in removing dust and dirt from the surface. Rinse it well and let it dry. 

Black Pine Tar

Can You Use It Alone? 

Pine tar is safe to be used alone or diluted. However, pine tar is sticky if you don’t dilute it. In that case, it’ll be difficult to apply it to the wood. Hence, to make it easier to use on any wood surface, mix it with linseed oil and apply it warm. You don’t need to add solvents if you the tar to a warm surface. Following this procedure will ensure that the treatment will penetrate deeply into the surface and offers a long-lasting result. 

Where to Use This Treatment? 

As mentioned, it is useful for any wood surface. That is, you can use it on any wood surface. If you want the wood surface to draw attention, the black pine tar can help you achieve it. You can even use it for wood pedaling that has been treated. It can go basically anywhere. That’s why it’s a popular wood treatment. Thus, if you wish the wood surface to look good all the time, this treatment can get the job done. 

The best time to apply this wood treatment is during warm weather. During this weather condition, the pine tar is easier to handle and it penetrates the wood faster and easier. The best way to obtain the best result with this treatment is to apply it outside when the weather is 10 degrees Celsius. You may think that it’s a bit too hot. However, the warm weather can significantly affect the result. 

Protect the Wood Surface

Black pine tar can protect against UV rays. As it offers protection, the harmful rays of the sun won’t penetrate the surface. To learn more about this wood treatment, please give us a call or browse our products.